Saturday, April 9, 2011

The enemy within

The enemy within

Many people pray save me from the devil and forces around, but the greatest force against me has been the enemy within. Myself, My thoughts, my desires have been stumbling block after stumbling block. I destroy myself faster than any devil could.

I even had a friend tell me last year they thought I was doing nothing but playing games spiritually. I have never took this as a game. But at the same time I can’t understand what I am doing so wrong that I can’t get things right. What scares me the most I am losing my faith. I want to fight but what am I now fighting for. Is it so wrong to just want to be normal In a spiritual sense. I just so much want to be able to help others but I got to be able to help myself first.

I know these just sounds like rambling but I am tired of feeling like a spiritual failure. I feel so alone and wanting off this roller coaster but can’t do it alone. God if you are there and can hear me, I nee help

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