Sunday, August 21, 2011

So many thoughts, so little time...

So many thoughts, so little time.

Walking away has been more freeing than ever imagined. Starting to realize how I blindly accepted things without question. How I let religion keep me down. You are supposed to be free but yet you spend a lifetime in bondage to mans rules in the name of a god. A god that in the old testament ordered the murder of whole groups of people, even innocent children (Joshua 6:21, 1 Samuel 15:3, Deuteronomy 2:33-34 and many more)and many more atrocities but yet he is a god of love.
Even today the world is so divided. You go one part of the world there are children begging god as they understand him for just a bite to eat, for a bed to sleep on, for someone to love them. But yet today in America you hear people say god has blessed me, I got a new house, or a new car, or a better job. Why is your god blessing you with your wants yet thousands who cry out to him die every day and yet you say he is not a respecter of persons. Either he can not or will not fix this world and all its troubles yet wants us to think hes got this perfect world waiting for those who walk the line.
Even those that claim to follow god fight over whats right. And if you do not believe like them you are damned to hell. So much of what you find in Christianity today is so far from what their bible teaches.

Don't be afraid to question. Take a step back and look at the whole picture.
Have a great day


Beth K said...

I too got tired of the lies and betrayal of so called christians over a year ago and after I took a step back I saw all the holes in the faith and the book behind the faith. Its going to be hard when you first walk away from it all, but take it from someone thats been there,stick to your guns it WILL get easier

Unknown said...

This is a great post, very interesting points and I have enjoyed immeasurably. Lots of thanks!
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