Saturday, May 7, 2011


Why is it getting so hard to just simply believe. Is it so horrible to question God? So many people today claim to serve a loving God but they show anything but love. If it don't benefit them, they could care less. They use you then throw you out.
People hate and use religion to justify it. If you are not like them then you are evil and they hate but yet they say God loves all.... What gives???

Even the more I study and read the Bible, the less things make sense to me. God of the old testament, wanted whole cities destroyed even women and children, even the infants. What did the infants do? Just because they were born to the wrong nations or tribes? Is that a loving God. Is that the same God that in the New testament says suffer the children to come unto me? The same God that says hes not a respecter of persons?. The more I read and study, the less things are making sense